Most websites are listed in their locality categories. This category is for websites with more than one address in the county or where the locality category doesn't yet exist. Please note that there are several sub-categories available. Websites relating to travel and tourism should be submitted to the Travel and Tourism category or one of its sub-categories.
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Sites 6
Marketing group for farmers throughout the area. Includes livestock prices, newsletter, membership details and contacts.
Association of media professionals. Includes members directory and forthcoming events.
Networking association for women in business in Cornwall. Skills bank, resources, forum and events diary.
Residential recording studios on the Cornwall and Devon border at North Tamerton. Facilities, hospitality, technical specifications and rates.
A one acre garden of clematis, roses, honeysuckle, and unusual plants surround an old mine captains house with a Victorian conservatory sheltering rarities. Includes open days, with nursery provides plants to purchase, location map, and links to plant fairs.
Outsourced personnel services and consultancy for companies. Services, case studies, articles, newsletters and fact file, with contacts based at Three Burrows.
Outsourced personnel services and consultancy for companies. Services, case studies, articles, newsletters and fact file, with contacts based at Three Burrows.
A one acre garden of clematis, roses, honeysuckle, and unusual plants surround an old mine captains house with a Victorian conservatory sheltering rarities. Includes open days, with nursery provides plants to purchase, location map, and links to plant fairs.
Association of media professionals. Includes members directory and forthcoming events.
Residential recording studios on the Cornwall and Devon border at North Tamerton. Facilities, hospitality, technical specifications and rates.
Marketing group for farmers throughout the area. Includes livestock prices, newsletter, membership details and contacts.
Networking association for women in business in Cornwall. Skills bank, resources, forum and events diary.
Last update:
July 20, 2023 at 10:56:58 UTC
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Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Northern Ireland: Business and Economy: Food and Related Products
- Recently edited by merlin1
- Recently edited by merlin1