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The College of Physiotherapists of New Brunswick
CPTNB is a not-for-profit organization with the legislated mandate to regulate the practice of physiotherapy in the public interest. Includes information and forms for registration and licensing. [English and French]
College of Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick
The College's mandate is to protect the public as consumers of medical care and promote the safe and ethical delivery of quality medical care by physicians in Manitoba. Contains registration overview and physician directory. [English and French]
The New Brunswick Association of Respiratory Therapists Inc.
A professional association, maintaining standards of practice and representing its membership. Discusses news and events, membership, education and job listings.
The New Brunswick Association of Social Workers
The professional association and regulatory body for social workers in the province.
New Brunswick Dental Society
To promote professional growth, high ethical standards and quality care among provincial dentists. Gives dental links, information on how to find a dentist, also links to regulation and dental education with contacts.
New Brunswick Health Council
Fostering communication between health services and citizens.
New Brunswick Medical Society
A provincial division of the Canadian Medical Association (CMA).
New Brunswick Pharmaceutical Society
Promotes health care and ensures that the pharmacist has the knowledge and skills necessary to provide optimal drug therapy. Includes news, consumer information and drug schedules.
New Brunswick Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists
The regulatory body and professional society for Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLT's) in the province.
The Nurses Association of New Brunswick
The professional and regulatory organization for all nurses in the province. Offers membership information and news. [English, French]
Paramedic Association of New Brunswick
Mandate is to develop and promote ethical, educational and clinical standards for all levels of Pre-hospital Care Professionals in the province. Includes news information and registration information.
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