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4-H New Brunswick
The program is an educational organization for its members and adult volunteer leaders, featuring activities, projects, programs, scholarships and travel. Provides contact information for clubs.
ACAP Saint John
The city chapter of a program to restore damaged coastal environments. Focus on water quality, air, terrestrial, and wildlife issues. Offers contact information.
Air Quality Monitoring in New Brunswick
Describes reasons to monitor air quality, who does it, how it is done and public information. Offers types of monitoring, index of air quality, smog advisories, what to do, emissions, the Clean Air Act, and individual efforts.
Atlantic Salmon Federation
Atlantic salmon conservation. Site describes federation policies and mission. Also includes annual reports, ongoing research and awards and grants.
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - New Brunswick Chapter
Non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and preservation of natural areas and wilderness in the province of New Brunswick. Outlines their programs and partnerships and includes a list of natural areas, provincial and federal parks in the province.
Central Beekeepers Association of New Brunswick
Apiculture information, news, events, forum, photographs, recipes. Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
Conservation Council Of New Brunswick Inc.
The council is membership based and a registered charity and serves as a conservation watch-dog. Presents Farmers Working with Farmers, Toxics and Children, Save our Seas, Ecological Forestry, news releases and contact information.
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit - UNB
Provides research for managers of fish and wildlife resources. Staffed by University of New Brunswick, it offers introduction, staff, fisheries, wildlife and links to Biology and Forestry departments. E-mail listed.
Information provided by the New Brunswick Forest Products Association. Includes: statistics on forestry, classroom exercises for schoolchildren, information on landownership and licenses, glossary.
Fundy Model Forest
The forest is a partnership of organizations working to ensure the environmental viability of provincial forests. Lists welcome, working groups, media, alliance, discussion, links and contact information.
Grand Manan Whale and Seabird Research Station
New Brunswick registered charity dedicated to research and education to promote conservation of marine ecosystems. Offers museum and programs designed to educate, discover new facts and to develop alternatives.
Greater Fundy Ecosystem Project
State of the environment report for Fundy National Park's ecosystem. Information on status of birds, mammals, insects and fish. Effects of forestry, agriculture and tourism/recreation.
Huntsman Marine Science Centre
A non-profit organization founded by 20 universities in Eastern Canada. It provides field research and teaches marine biology and oceanography. Lists member organizations, courses and contact information.
Huntsman Marine Science Centre
Canada's first marine science laboratory. Provides details on educational offerings, research resources, tours and facilities.
Irving Forest Discovery Network
An interactive exposition of forestry and the environment for students and teachers. Discusses forestry products and practices, unique wildlife and geological areas.
Miramichi Salmon Association
Protecting the Miramichi River in New Brunswick. Features information about the association, policy statements, and a newsletter.
Musquash Marine Protected Area Campaign
A successful campaign of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick.
Natural Resources and Energy Development
Manages the fish and wildlife of the province, and offers resident and non-resident hunting and fishing licenses and offers a plethora of hunting information, including hunter and firearm safety courses.
Nature NB
Information and links dealing with the study, enjoyment and conservation of nature in New Brunswick. Created for the New Brunswick Federation of Naturalists.
Nature NB
Information and links dealing with the study, enjoyment and conservation of nature in New Brunswick. Created for the New Brunswick Federation of Naturalists.
The Nature Trust of New Brunswick
A charitable land trust dedicated to preserving nature. Lists preserves, accomplishments, reports and publications, news, adopt a frog, join us and links. Gives contact details.
New Brunswick Beekeepers Association
The provincial organization that represents the beekeepers of New Brunswick.
New Brunswick Botany Club
Sharing knowledge of flora for the conservation and protection of native plants.
New Brunswick Environmental Network
A non-profit bilingual network of environmentalists. Features action groups, calendar of events, action alerts, media, and publication reviews.
Petitcodiac Riverkeeper
Non-profit organization seeks to restore the Petitcodiac and Memramcook River watersheds. Offers profile, blog, news, links to resources, photo gallery and contacts.
The Plant Propagation Centre
The centre initiates and multiplies disease-tested tissue cultured potato material. Nuclear Stock plantlets and microtubers are produced for the seed potato industry. Lists the Canadian Potato Variety Repository and contact information.
The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - New Brunswick Centre. Club and observing information, beginning astronomy, images, and newsletter.
An independent contract research laboratory, providing analytical and technical services. Lists business address, facilities, services, clients, staff and a virtual tour.
St John River Society
A non-profit organization for stewardship of the St. John River and its tributaries. Offers information on projects, history, informative articles, river description and membership.
St. Andrews Biological Station
One of a network of research facilities operated by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Photo and brief history.
UNB - Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management
Forest management guidelines to protect native bio-diversity in the Fundy Model Forest. Complete text available on line or as a downloadable PDF file. Information by Dr. Graham Forbes Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management at UNB.
Whale and Seabird Watching
Detailed information on local animal life as well as links to local animal tour guides.
Whales of the Bay of Fundy
Discusses the natural history of the bay, its history and capacities and the whales that frequent it. Describes species of whales, sizes, habitat and numbers. Offers guest book, downloadable screen saver and links.
How to rescue whales tangled in nets
The BBC reports on the Campobello Island Whale Rescue team, which disentangles whales caught in fishermen’s gear and nets around the Bay of Fundy off the east coast of Canada.
(September 20, 2013)
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