A well maintained church (1861-1862) featuring a rectangular sanctuary with four round arch windows on either side. Includes a description, history, features and photos.
A small plain white rural church (1879 to 1881) located along the highway. Includes a description, history, features and photos. [Located in St. Lawrence]
A High Victorian Gothic style church is located in the rural setting near the Tryon Peoples' Cemetery. Includes a description, history, features and photos.
A Victorian building (1874) with a gabled roof, clapboard siding, and Gothic Revival style windows. Includes a description, history, features and photos.
Services and activities in a historical building built beginning in 1822. Features a calendar of events for services and activities, and a large photo gallery.
Offers a range of Christian reading and other material that is orthodox in content, and which is Canadian and Anglican in perspective. Features the Church calendar, catalogue, information on theological conferences and Reverend John Pearce's publications.