Termite baiting, rodent and pest control, lawn care and landscaping specialists for residential, commercial, and industrial. Serving Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Ft. Worth, and College Station.
Sells, installs and services above-ground pools, billiard tables, and home recreation and leisure products. Offers contact details for its two locations.
Source for tub surrounds, shower enclosures, acrylic bathtub liners, and other one-day bathroom remodeling services. Find shower remodeling options and attractive bathroom designs.
Factory certified Sub Zero Wolf brand service provider offers services on most major appliance brands. Includes company profile, industry awards, customer testimonials and request for service form.
Specializes in sales of a variety of trees, shrubs, plants, and gardening decor including fountains, and pottery, and planting supplies. Provides location.
A lawn equipment sales, service, and parts dealer in La Marque, Texas. Pick-up and delivery is available throughout Galveston County and most of Harris County.
Guide to custom frame services, a pictorial gallery of frame styles and how-to tips for those considering custom framing in the metropolitan Houston area.
Nursery located in Halletsville, Texas specializing in herbs, heirloom vegetables, perennials and vines. Also have books on gardening, cooking with herbs, and herb lore. Includes catalog of products, ordering information, and location.
Consumer trade shows including: home and garden shows and kid's fun fairs. These shows feature celebrity appearances, grand prizes, and seminars by experts.
Residential and commercial lawn care and landscaping service for all of Katy and surrounding areas.Before and After photos, quotes for special services such as holiday lighting, and convenient online pay system for customers.
Pools, spas, and billiards. Provides listing of locations in Nacogdoches, Longview, Lufkin, Marshall, and Tyler, with photos of construction and available accessories.
Pools, spas, and billiards. Provides listing of locations in Nacogdoches, Longview, Lufkin, Marshall, and Tyler, with photos of construction and available accessories.
National appliance service franchise network, headquartered in Waco. Information on locations, services, franchising, and employment. Features online repair manuals.
Native plant nursery specializing in the Madrone tree. Also offers ground covers, grasses, trees, vines, and shrubs. Includes catalog, location, and online ordering.
Native plant nursery specializing in the Madrone tree. Also offers ground covers, grasses, trees, vines, and shrubs. Includes catalog, location, and online ordering.
Nursery with display gardens including a butterfly garden, herb garden, vegetable garden, orchards, and a labyrinth. Class and event schedule, natural and organic gardening tips, articles, and photos.
Specializing in the analysis, prevention and treatment of oak wilt using Alamo fungicide and root trenching. Offers free consultation, cedar clearing, dead tree removal, and replanting services.
Serving San Antonio and Austin with home-improvement products such as fireplaces, appliances, lighting, garage doors, water conditioners, and other home equipment.
Sells, installs and services fireplace products to builders and consumers. Products include wholesale and retail insulation, interior/exterior gas logs,fireplaces, heaters, grills, chimeneas, smokers, safes, and decorative mailboxes.
Index of answers to submitted plant questions, and topics, recommendations, and plant descriptions. Newsletter, articles, and links to related resources. Plants for sale and nursery and landscape services.
Offers lawn care, landscaping design, maintenance, and sprinkler repair for commercial and residential customers in the Dallas metroplex including Rockwall, Mesquite, Garland, Richardson, and Plano. Includes list of services.
Offers flowers, plants, trees and shrubs along with items needed to assist in gardening and plants. Contact information, location and images available.
A private company providing tree care services to the Central Texas area. Site provides basic information for consumers who wish to learn about proper tree care practices.
Established in 1975 and located in the heart of Galveston. Offers a selection of products that include palms, trees, shrubs, water gardens, gifts, indoor plants, Christmas trees, provides hours of operation, methods of payment and contact information.
Faux finishing studio specializes in murals, trompe l'oeil, grottesca, and restorations. Also offers faux and decorative finishing classes and products.
Designs living spaces using new and vintage furniture. Products available, pictures of the store's "roomscapes," and information on consignment policies.
Offers wholesale and retail plants and trees plus gardening accessories. Includes online catalog for accessories, contact information, and free order form for plant catalog.