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Ahavath Achim Synagogue
Conservative. Services, cemetery information, groups, calendar and activities. [Java.]
All Things Historical: Camp Ford, Union Prisoner of War Camp in East Texas.
Newspaper column by Archie McDonald of the East Texas Historical Society.
Arp Emmanuel Baptist Church
Presents upcoming events, ministries, staff, and location.
Listed in: LocalitiesAArp
Bethel Bible Church
Information on worship schedule, Sunday school, ministries, events, and staff.
Bonner-Whitaker-McClendon House
Information on the Eastlake Bracketed Victorian home, including history, tours and event rentals.
Born to Win - Making Life Work
A collection of bible based essays, bible online study, forum, and Christian resources.
Boys and Girls Clubs of East Texas
Programs, personnel, history, calendar, online donation and event pictures.
Bullard First United Methodist Church
Offers welcome, services, staff, beliefs and photos.
Calvary Chapel Tyler
Affiliated with Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Audio sermons and devotionals, statement of faith, location and pastor profile.
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
Cathedral for the Diocese of Tyler. History, Mass schedule, calendar and staff profiles.
Champions for Children
Focuses on improving early childhood education and promoting excellence in child-care programs.
Christ Episcopal Church
History, schedule, mission statement and FAQs.
The Church of God, International
News, TV and radio programs, local churches, and information for parents, teachers and youth.
Church on the Move
Service times, ministries, life groups, pastor profile and information on Christian Life and Service School.
Civil Air Patrol Tyler Composite Squadron
History, roster, events, agendas, news and pictures.
Colonial Hills Baptist Church
Southern Baptist. Service times, news, ministries, calendar and sermon audio.
Congregation Beth El
Reform. Leadership, temple groups, education, calendar, newsletter and events.
Dayspring United Methodist Church
Includes photos, ministries, events, staff, sermons, music, videos.
East Texas Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
Includes information on George W. Pirtle Scout Reservation, districts, calendar, and contact information.
East Texas Crisis Center
Assists victims of family violence, sexual assault and other violent crimes. Information for donors and volunteers, services, news and overview.
East Texas Food Bank
America's Second Harvest member collecting and distributing donations to agencies in 26 counties. Overview, advocacy, board of directors, news, fact sheet and information on the Kids Cafe program.
First Baptist Church of Gresham
Southern Baptist. Schedule, events, ministries, minister profiles and pictures.
First Baptist Church of Tyler
Southern Baptist. Staff profiles, pastor's page, information about beliefs and ministries, worship times, and driving directions.
First Christian Church of Tyler
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Worship schedule, congregation mission and vision, and information on staff, programs, and weddings.
First Presbyterian Church of Tyler
Newsletter, staff list, map, children's ministry and pictures.
Garden Valley Bible Church
Beliefs, FAQs, ministries, events and service information.
Glenwood Church of Christ
Worship schedule, news, sermons and reflections, spiritual formation and resources, and programs for children and youth.
Goodwill Industries of East Texas/Opportunities in Tyler
Information on the group's retail stores and donation locations throughout East Texas, as well as development and contract services, auctions and events.
Grace Community Church
Nondenominational Bible church with K-12 school and multiple campuses. Includes news, events, ministry, and location information.
Green Acres Baptist Church
Features church history, sermon archives, prayer requests, calendar, worship schedule, and location.
Habitat for Humanity of Smith County
Events, pictures, and information on Women Build projects and the ReStore resale shop.
Handbook of Texas: Camp Ford
Brief history of the camp with bibliography.
Historic Tyler, Inc.
Promotes preservation and protection of the city's historic structures and sites. Projects, spring tour details, membership and ways to volunteer.
Intercontinental Church of God
Associated with the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association. Beliefs, feast dates and locations, FAQs, prayer network, churches and websites.
Junior League of Tyler
History, membership requirements, service projects, news and information on the annual Mistletoe and Magic event.
Kiwanis Club of Tyler-Rose City
Meets Wednesdays at noon. Includes information on activities, projects and officers.
Life in a Texas Prison Pen: The 48th Ohio at Camp Ford
Prisoners' accounts of their experiences, maps and pictures of the camp, and a list of prisoners from the 48th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry.
Lindale First United Methodist Church
Provides schedule, newsletter, calendar, events, photos, staff, history, announcements.
Marvin United Methodist Church
Visitor information, services, calendar, virtual tour, ministries, music programs and pastor profile.
Mary Tyler Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Calendar, officers, history and information on members and their descendants.
Meadow Lake
Information on plans for the senior living community, including amenities, FAQs and map.
Memories of School Days in Tyler and Some Smith County Schools
Alma Moore Freeland's account of her experiences as an administrator in the Tyler public school system between 1937 and 1951.
New Covenant Church
Nondenominational. Worship times, ministries, core values, pictures, events, FAQs and forum.
North Tenneha Church of Christ
History, ministries, calendar, news, Bible trivia, pictures and worship schedule.
Now Faith Ministries
Includes worship schedule and profile of the pastor.
People Attempting to Help (PATH)
Provides programs to meet critical and basic human needs for the economically disadvantaged. History, online donations, newsletters, pictures, services, PATH Week details and calendars.
Pets Fur People
Includes photos of animals available for adoption, lost and found listings, donation information, and volunteer and fostering opportunities.
The Political Graveyard: Smith County, Tex.
Information about politicians that lived or died in the county.
Pollard United Methodist Church
Worship including services, prayer, calendar, pastor's message, newsletter (needs Acrobat Reader), staff, youth, scouts, contact, location and links.
Rice Road Church of Christ
Nondenominational Christian church's schedule, mission statement, newsletter and questions and answers section.
Rose Heights Church of God
Ministries, sermons, pastor profiles, history, bookstore and information on what to expect.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church
Provides schedules of events, photographs, and weekly bulletins. There are also extensive writings, reflections, and sermons.
Listed in: LocalitiesFFlint
Saint Peter Claver Catholic Church
Mass schedule, contact information, and links to Catholic resources. In English and Spanish.
Shiloh Road Church of Christ
Church information, service schedule and location, and audio sermons.
Smith Baptist Association
Resources and support for Baptist churches in Smith County. Information on programs, job vacancies and mission projects, with listing of member churches.
South Tyler Rotary Club
Meets Mondays at noon. Programs, officers and news.
Southern Oaks Baptist Church
Worship times, pastor's page, ministries, pictures, Sunday school details and history.
St. Francis Episcopal Church
Schedule, worship information, youth activities, outreach and events.
Texas Beyond History: Camp Ford
Information on the camp's history and archaeological research, a timeline and pictures from the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory at the University of Texas at Austin.
Tiger Creek Wildlife Refuge
Home for abused, neglected and unwanted tigers and other big cats. Photographs and information about the animals, information for children and teachers, membership, and internship program.
Trinity Fellowship Church
Nondenominational charismatic church; includes services, ministries, calendar, news, devotionals and chat.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod. Leadership, newsletter, calendar, announcements, history and ministries.
Tyler Area Mac Users
Meeting information, resources and e-mail discussion list.
Tyler Elks Lodge No. 215
News, facilities, officers and calendar.
Tyler Metro Church
Nondenominational/interdenominational church; children's and youth programs, ministries, missions, history and goals.
Tyler Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Schedule of Services, statement of faith, links Presbyterian and Reformed sites, contact information
Tyler Tabernacle
United Pentecostal Church International. Pastor profiles, worship schedule, calendar and newsletters.
United Way of Tyler / Smith County
Raise and allocate funds to local community human service agencies, some member agencies and others through a special grant process; and address information and referral requests from individuals, groups, and companies by phone or internet access.
West Erwin Church of Christ
News, directions, worship times, calendar, bulletins, sermons, and ministries.
The Woods Baptist Church
A dynamic, growing congregation of members who believe in caring for the needs of others.
Youth with a Mission Tyler
Chapter of the interdenominational missions organization; includes information on training programs, mercy ministries, video ministry and youth work.
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