Related categories 2
Sites 53
Dwight Shih writes on journalism, weblogging, sports, software development, and content management.
Gautam Ghosh's thoughts on organizations, work, people, strategy, learning, knowledge, innovation and high performance. focused on India, but spanning the globe.
Family blog includes videos and details about daily life, including progress working toward a Master of Public Health degree.
Everyday life of Noel Boyd.
Pointers to and discussion of sites which should appeal to the discriminating "Renaissance men and women" of the world.
The life and adventures of a high school Anatomy and Biology teacher. Pet rescue and adoption, hobbies, and other interests are also included.
Dealing with a range of issues from politics to technology and things in between.
Matt Williams, former Linux fanatic turned Microsoft technology specialist, shares photographs, travelogues and personal thoughts.
Digest of technology trends, new gadgets, and cool toys.
Ramblings about technology from Scott Fiddelke, a multimedia developer.
Not the popular news, more like off-the-wall with a slant.
Another outlet for simplistic insights and prose, random news and verbal spews. Covers technology, consulting, travel, software development, parties, friends, and family.
Ramblings from Ian Fitter.
Thoughts of a Minneapolis resident that watches too much television, works for an evil corporation, and doesn't watch her carbs.
Blog by Mory Keita with poems posted.
Rhianna's take on the world and anything else that takes her fancy to comment on.
Canadian woman who married a lovely English man and lives happily in a small English village north of London writes about gadgets and technology, everyday life, and other random things.
Random musings.
Exploring the interests of Ralph Brandi, including radio, international affairs, web site building and information architecture, the Internet in general, movies, and music.
Derek James writes on all sorts of things.
Humor, commentary, and short fiction.
Words and more words unstrategically combined with guerilla literary alchemy to produce shambles of a weblog.
Mcbride fell fifteen stories, hitting the pavement like a Hefty Bag filled with vegetable soup.
Social and political commentary by someone who should be hard at work.
X-tina's thoughts, feelings, experience and observations illustrated with photo shots.
Bizarre humor weblog about urban family life, driving, and social issues.
Writing about family life in small town Minnesota.
A spirited discussion of politics, religion, and culture.
Conglomerate of bits and pieces of news and happenings that appeal to the owner - both Christian and secular.
Writing about sports, Christianity, culture, and parenting.
Discussing sports, culture, religion, politics — all from a Christian worldview
Glimpse into the life of a computer engineer.
Writing about actual developments in high tech and venture capital.
Ideas, thoughts, comments or whatever crap that goes through his mind with help from digg, slashdot, techdirt, and betanews.
The world's only online snowman magazine. Includes news, cartoons, snowman contests.
Technology, movies, music, food, and other random leakage from his brain.
Snapshots and blather from a shoe-loving girl stepping out in Tokyo.
All kinds of unusual information and off-the-beaten-path links.
Thoughts of a New York based artist. Exhibition reviews, links to art online, and descriptions of works in progress.
Photographs, thoughts, and things.
He's like one of those losers that can see auras. Except he sees comedy. And he's a loser.
Random photographs and posts on current events.
Pictures and posts on life and pop culture from a comedian.
Writing about the latest youth targeted consumer goods and services. Highlighting innovation in art, music, design and technology.
Alan Stuart posts on music, art, comics, and the occasional tantrum.
Selections from the Kumpster.
Working mother shares stories and internet amusements.
The every day rants and raves of a simply complicated woman.
Offers recipes and information on photographic techniques.
Irreverent and cheeky observations on politics, current affairs, life and pop culture.
Thoughts on the complexities of the human mind as well as artwork and poetry.
Musings and oozings by Michael Gates.
Two sisters in Salt Lake Citywrite about books and the library, television and movies, work, dreams, and rants.
Gautam Ghosh's thoughts on organizations, work, people, strategy, learning, knowledge, innovation and high performance. focused on India, but spanning the globe.
Selections from the Kumpster.
The world's only online snowman magazine. Includes news, cartoons, snowman contests.
Offers recipes and information on photographic techniques.
Blog by Mory Keita with poems posted.
Thoughts of a Minneapolis resident that watches too much television, works for an evil corporation, and doesn't watch her carbs.
Everyday life of Noel Boyd.
Writing about family life in small town Minnesota.
X-tina's thoughts, feelings, experience and observations illustrated with photo shots.
Irreverent and cheeky observations on politics, current affairs, life and pop culture.
Family blog includes videos and details about daily life, including progress working toward a Master of Public Health degree.
Bizarre humor weblog about urban family life, driving, and social issues.
Matt Williams, former Linux fanatic turned Microsoft technology specialist, shares photographs, travelogues and personal thoughts.
Not the popular news, more like off-the-wall with a slant.
Two sisters in Salt Lake Citywrite about books and the library, television and movies, work, dreams, and rants.
The life and adventures of a high school Anatomy and Biology teacher. Pet rescue and adoption, hobbies, and other interests are also included.
He's like one of those losers that can see auras. Except he sees comedy. And he's a loser.
Digest of technology trends, new gadgets, and cool toys.
Ramblings from Ian Fitter.
Photographs, thoughts, and things.
Social and political commentary by someone who should be hard at work.
Ideas, thoughts, comments or whatever crap that goes through his mind with help from digg, slashdot, techdirt, and betanews.
Writing about sports, Christianity, culture, and parenting.
Discussing sports, culture, religion, politics — all from a Christian worldview
Thoughts of a New York based artist. Exhibition reviews, links to art online, and descriptions of works in progress.
Conglomerate of bits and pieces of news and happenings that appeal to the owner - both Christian and secular.
Dwight Shih writes on journalism, weblogging, sports, software development, and content management.
Technology, movies, music, food, and other random leakage from his brain.
Another outlet for simplistic insights and prose, random news and verbal spews. Covers technology, consulting, travel, software development, parties, friends, and family.
Random musings.
A spirited discussion of politics, religion, and culture.
Alan Stuart posts on music, art, comics, and the occasional tantrum.
Words and more words unstrategically combined with guerilla literary alchemy to produce shambles of a weblog.
All kinds of unusual information and off-the-beaten-path links.
Glimpse into the life of a computer engineer.
Dealing with a range of issues from politics to technology and things in between.
Working mother shares stories and internet amusements.
Thoughts on the complexities of the human mind as well as artwork and poetry.
The every day rants and raves of a simply complicated woman.
Writing about the latest youth targeted consumer goods and services. Highlighting innovation in art, music, design and technology.
Rhianna's take on the world and anything else that takes her fancy to comment on.
Pictures and posts on life and pop culture from a comedian.
Snapshots and blather from a shoe-loving girl stepping out in Tokyo.
Musings and oozings by Michael Gates.
Writing about actual developments in high tech and venture capital.
Canadian woman who married a lovely English man and lives happily in a small English village north of London writes about gadgets and technology, everyday life, and other random things.
Exploring the interests of Ralph Brandi, including radio, international affairs, web site building and information architecture, the Internet in general, movies, and music.
Humor, commentary, and short fiction.
Derek James writes on all sorts of things.
Ramblings about technology from Scott Fiddelke, a multimedia developer.
Mcbride fell fifteen stories, hitting the pavement like a Hefty Bag filled with vegetable soup.
Random photographs and posts on current events.
Pointers to and discussion of sites which should appeal to the discriminating "Renaissance men and women" of the world.
Other languages 9
Last update:
May 11, 2023 at 5:15:15 UTC
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Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: England: Lincolnshire: Lincoln: Arts and Entertainment: Photography
- Recently edited by merlin1
- Recently edited by merlin1