A weblog is a website which contains periodic, reverse chronologically ordered posts on a common webpage. Such a web site would typically be accessible to any internet user. An alternative term for such a weblog is blog. This category is for weblogs with links, commentary and personal journaling, and with titles starting with W.
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Thoughts on news and culture.
Thoughts of David Marlborough, a Gen-Xer.
Jason Wall's photographs, most of them from Saint Louis and the surrounding area.
Ranjit K Wilson writes about technology, management, and the world.
Covering IT related material such as webcams and web servers as well as life generally in Shanghai.
Art, animation, and anything aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
College graduate who majored in English reflects upon popular culture and life in general.
Links and stories from Celia White, poet and librarian.
A reflection of everyday life. The topics are widely spread as business, entrepreneurship, working, living, politics, Internet, programming, books, movies, cooking, traveling, dating, science, and art.
Touching on politics, culture, relationships, writing, and everyday life.
Personal weblog of Los Angeles programmer Andy Baio, with a leaning towards web technology and the mass media.
Friends, family, flora, and fauna from the far south of Maine.
Waynne's rants, raves and comments on a wide variety of topical and original motoring issues.
Features original poetry, personal meanderings and thoughts on changes in life.
Posts of the odd and strange.
Young American woman currently residing in Sydney, Australia.
Andrei Zaitsev's weblog on emerging technologies.
When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when you're feeling sad, would remembering your favourite things work to make you feel not so bad?
Weblog on web development, blogging and technology.
Marketing, advertising, media and business - reshaped.
The trials and tribulations of a newbie webmaster as he designs a site.
A weblog for families who have had a loved one killed on the job, concerned safety professionals and government organizations that want change and awareness.
An exploration of technology, art, and social constructs.
An (almost) daily account of a fun, random, and weird life. Comes with everything you see here, including free, yummy Quotes of the Week.
This is the weblog of James Lescohier and the current happenings in his life.
Photographs, opinions, daily life and media commentary of media studies professor Edward R. O'Neill.
Personal weblog with a focus on technology or whatever else interests me on the day.
A daily mishmash of bizarre peculiarosities from a Welsh perspective.
Twent-something married woman in Richmond, California who works as a graphic designer.
Every day, the proprietor of the site takes a photo of himself and posts it to the web. See what he's currently wearing, and explore the archives to see what he's worn in the past.
Personal thoughts, rants, and reviews of my lift in film. All neatly stored.
Details about life in the Costa del Sol.
Unfocused thoughts and unbalanced opinions from Hull.
Commentary of movies, television commentary, webcasts, and live shows.
A semi-daily updated weblog concerning NBA basketball, music, politics, TV, and anything else thats appealing to me at the moment.
Personal weblog discussing the development of a TV discussion forum. Promotion of a TV discussion forum. Daily updates on website status.
Writer and music reviewer John Scalzi.
Informative news from my creative world, inspirational words and quotes, creative living projects, traveling and life explorations.
Game links and fun stuff.
Nothing but honest, heartfelt commentary on random events, many of which never actually happened. Plus some other stuff.
The thoughts and experiences of an innocent sheltered Catholic girl.
Swedish girl, obsessed with food and cats shares her thoughts, however incoherent they may be, with the world in general.
Opinions on current events, pop culture, computer games, and anything else that strikes the fancy of a liberal Christian, World of Warcraft addicted, genuine girl geek.
Viewing life through a half filled glass of bourbon.
Gaming reviews, philosophy, metaphysics, engineering, and Libertarian politics.
Unleashing his ideas upon the world via blog and online video.
A journal of a Christian seeker, father and avid reader, with discussions of all of the above topics, plus whatever else comes to mind.
Nothing, and lots of it.
Gaming, operating systems, pop culture, internet video, and science.
A hodgepodge of "Blank Generation" stuff, some serious, some tongue in cheek, most not quite right in the head.
This year is the celebration of 100 years of powered flight. What's inspiring all these new pilots and how do they hope to use their newly learned skills?
Julie blogged again.
One life one whyspered moment at a time.
Commenting on politics and news stories around the world.
One person's take on the political issues and challenges facing the United States.
A new site dedicated to the music of the Traveling Wilburys.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of loose cats.
ATCs and artwork from Spiralli of California.
The random ramblings of K Jones, a thirtysomething furniture salesman.
Personal weblog of Will Lockie - stories about moving home and living in Brighton, UK.
Daily updated news articles and gossip about Will Smith.
Life and times of a former military officer now a 2L at a law school in the Pacific Northwest.
Commentary by William Burton on politics, international relations, economics, and society in general.
William Computer Weblog is a collection of information, tutorials, articles on all things about computers. The topics posted range from programming, networking, website development, software, hardware, and operating systems.
Terri is a 37-year-old engineer who has a wonderful boyfriend, a lovely new house, and a charming cat. She also lives with chronic daily headache.
WindMedia weblog on photography, information technology, and other stuff interests Marc Windahl: editorial photographer, focuses on photojournalism, art, and sports photography.
Laurel Krahn's weblog. Links to tidbits on technology, webstuff, netstuff, TV, pop culture, media, and science fiction. Since Fall 1998.
WingWing talks about her life, family, friends, and other stuff.
Personal weblog with news of the Net.
We are all witnesses. Commentary and observations from one of them.
Presenting views and comments on volunteering, travel, news items, medicine, nature and internet directories.
Writes about speech applications, soccer, hacking, intellectual property, and incinerating toilets.
A young gay male living in Baltimore, Maryland.
Adventures in motherhood, long-term relationships, and working for the government in smalltown, USA. Enjoy the life and times of Yvette, Jeff and Nevin.
Daily gleanings in areas of arts, culture, mind-body, science and anything else that catches my fancy.
Satirical comment, information on books and literary events and work-related topics.
Theological Christian thoughts and miscellaneous ramblings of a regular nerd.
Rants, ramblings and intemperate thoughts from an unapologetic conservative.
Features witty weblogs, photos of travels, and other arty diversions.
Bringing truths of life, complaining about work, and talking about music too much.
Computer book author Rogers Cadenhead on programming, gaming, the internet, and his life.
A personal weblog about juggling things while working in a city in corporate America.
Hope you all enjoy my little ripple in the pond of life.
The Whoas! Ooops! and Acks! of Jobert Vizcarra, a less than ordinary individual who would want to live a more than special life in the Philippines.
Weblog, music opinions, general buffoonery.
A rant site. Not for the faint of heart, or those with a lack of opinion.
Ranting about Canadian politics and current events.
Philosophy, church history, and harmony between races and creeds.
Wry Canadian lackies let loose.
News, links, and comments on topics such as politics, science, health, religion, and the working life of writers.
The musings of a science fiction and fantasy author. Tips and advice on writing with an emphasis on mythology.
Dawn M. Hamsher provides writing exercises, blogging tips and fonts.
Peter Rorlach writes about social and political commentary on the United States as well as reviewing films.
Weblog on web development, blogging and technology.
Twent-something married woman in Richmond, California who works as a graphic designer.
The musings of a science fiction and fantasy author. Tips and advice on writing with an emphasis on mythology.
Dawn M. Hamsher provides writing exercises, blogging tips and fonts.
Computer book author Rogers Cadenhead on programming, gaming, the internet, and his life.
Writer and music reviewer John Scalzi.
Unleashing his ideas upon the world via blog and online video.
Satirical comment, information on books and literary events and work-related topics.
Features original poetry, personal meanderings and thoughts on changes in life.
Rants, ramblings and intemperate thoughts from an unapologetic conservative.
Presenting views and comments on volunteering, travel, news items, medicine, nature and internet directories.
William Computer Weblog is a collection of information, tutorials, articles on all things about computers. The topics posted range from programming, networking, website development, software, hardware, and operating systems.
Terri is a 37-year-old engineer who has a wonderful boyfriend, a lovely new house, and a charming cat. She also lives with chronic daily headache.
Philosophy, church history, and harmony between races and creeds.
Andrei Zaitsev's weblog on emerging technologies.
A hodgepodge of "Blank Generation" stuff, some serious, some tongue in cheek, most not quite right in the head.
Laurel Krahn's weblog. Links to tidbits on technology, webstuff, netstuff, TV, pop culture, media, and science fiction. Since Fall 1998.
WindMedia weblog on photography, information technology, and other stuff interests Marc Windahl: editorial photographer, focuses on photojournalism, art, and sports photography.
A semi-daily updated weblog concerning NBA basketball, music, politics, TV, and anything else thats appealing to me at the moment.
This is the weblog of James Lescohier and the current happenings in his life.
Personal weblog with a focus on technology or whatever else interests me on the day.
A weblog for families who have had a loved one killed on the job, concerned safety professionals and government organizations that want change and awareness.
Peter Rorlach writes about social and political commentary on the United States as well as reviewing films.
Waynne's rants, raves and comments on a wide variety of topical and original motoring issues.
A young gay male living in Baltimore, Maryland.
Covering IT related material such as webcams and web servers as well as life generally in Shanghai.
Personal weblog of Will Lockie - stories about moving home and living in Brighton, UK.
Adventures in motherhood, long-term relationships, and working for the government in smalltown, USA. Enjoy the life and times of Yvette, Jeff and Nevin.
Informative news from my creative world, inspirational words and quotes, creative living projects, traveling and life explorations.
Personal weblog discussing the development of a TV discussion forum. Promotion of a TV discussion forum. Daily updates on website status.
Writes about speech applications, soccer, hacking, intellectual property, and incinerating toilets.
We are all witnesses. Commentary and observations from one of them.
Personal thoughts, rants, and reviews of my lift in film. All neatly stored.
A reflection of everyday life. The topics are widely spread as business, entrepreneurship, working, living, politics, Internet, programming, books, movies, cooking, traveling, dating, science, and art.
Gaming, operating systems, pop culture, internet video, and science.
Game links and fun stuff.
Commenting on politics and news stories around the world.
Touching on politics, culture, relationships, writing, and everyday life.
Ranjit K Wilson writes about technology, management, and the world.
College graduate who majored in English reflects upon popular culture and life in general.
Thoughts of David Marlborough, a Gen-Xer.
Jason Wall's photographs, most of them from Saint Louis and the surrounding area.
One person's take on the political issues and challenges facing the United States.
A rant site. Not for the faint of heart, or those with a lack of opinion.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of loose cats.
WingWing talks about her life, family, friends, and other stuff.
Photographs, opinions, daily life and media commentary of media studies professor Edward R. O'Neill.
Details about life in the Costa del Sol.
ATCs and artwork from Spiralli of California.
Opinions on current events, pop culture, computer games, and anything else that strikes the fancy of a liberal Christian, World of Warcraft addicted, genuine girl geek.
The random ramblings of K Jones, a thirtysomething furniture salesman.
A personal weblog about juggling things while working in a city in corporate America.
A daily mishmash of bizarre peculiarosities from a Welsh perspective.
Commentary of movies, television commentary, webcasts, and live shows.
The Whoas! Ooops! and Acks! of Jobert Vizcarra, a less than ordinary individual who would want to live a more than special life in the Philippines.
Art, animation, and anything aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
Bringing truths of life, complaining about work, and talking about music too much.
Thoughts on news and culture.
Hope you all enjoy my little ripple in the pond of life.
A new site dedicated to the music of the Traveling Wilburys.
Theological Christian thoughts and miscellaneous ramblings of a regular nerd.
Ranting about Canadian politics and current events.
Viewing life through a half filled glass of bourbon.
Posts of the odd and strange.
Swedish girl, obsessed with food and cats shares her thoughts, however incoherent they may be, with the world in general.
The trials and tribulations of a newbie webmaster as he designs a site.
Friends, family, flora, and fauna from the far south of Maine.
Links and stories from Celia White, poet and librarian.
Life and times of a former military officer now a 2L at a law school in the Pacific Northwest.
Every day, the proprietor of the site takes a photo of himself and posts it to the web. See what he's currently wearing, and explore the archives to see what he's worn in the past.
News, links, and comments on topics such as politics, science, health, religion, and the working life of writers.
Personal weblog of Los Angeles programmer Andy Baio, with a leaning towards web technology and the mass media.
Nothing, and lots of it.
Marketing, advertising, media and business - reshaped.
Nothing but honest, heartfelt commentary on random events, many of which never actually happened. Plus some other stuff.
Young American woman currently residing in Sydney, Australia.
When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when you're feeling sad, would remembering your favourite things work to make you feel not so bad?
Daily updated news articles and gossip about Will Smith.
Gaming reviews, philosophy, metaphysics, engineering, and Libertarian politics.
An exploration of technology, art, and social constructs.
Unfocused thoughts and unbalanced opinions from Hull.
A journal of a Christian seeker, father and avid reader, with discussions of all of the above topics, plus whatever else comes to mind.
This year is the celebration of 100 years of powered flight. What's inspiring all these new pilots and how do they hope to use their newly learned skills?
Julie blogged again.
Wry Canadian lackies let loose.
An (almost) daily account of a fun, random, and weird life. Comes with everything you see here, including free, yummy Quotes of the Week.
Commentary by William Burton on politics, international relations, economics, and society in general.
Features witty weblogs, photos of travels, and other arty diversions.
One life one whyspered moment at a time.
The thoughts and experiences of an innocent sheltered Catholic girl.
Personal weblog with news of the Net.
Weblog, music opinions, general buffoonery.
Daily gleanings in areas of arts, culture, mind-body, science and anything else that catches my fancy.
Other languages 9
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January 19, 2024 at 1:31:43 UTC
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