Below are guidelines that directly relate to the creation of subcategories in Kids and Teens. These guidelines will help ensure that material added to Curlie Kids and Teens meets the directory's goals.
Hierarchical category systems like Curlie traditionally have been called classification systems. Taxonomy and ontology are additional terms used to describe the work of organizing categories. The goal in developing a category structure is to create a system that allows Kids and Teens' users to easily find material.
Creating Subcategories
In general, subcategories may be helpful when the number of links exceeds 20, but in certain circumstances, it is useful to create subcategories with fewer than 20 links. If categorizing links makes navigation easier for youth, then it is acceptable.
Duplicate and Related Categories
An effective editor will search and/or browse through Curlie Kids and Teens in areas inside and outside his or her top level category to find areas of potential duplication. Questions editors have found useful to consider include the following: Is my subcategory cross-disciplinary, and if so, what other areas could resources in my subcategory be classified under? If there is a subcategory in another area of the Directory that is similar to my subcategory, should I create a Related Categories link? Should I create an @link?
Choosing a Name
The Curlie Kids and Teens directory currently does not use a prescribed thesaurus for assigning subcategory names. However, the following guidelines may be useful in assigning names that will ensure consistency across Kids and Teens and prevent duplication of categories.
A good subcategory name meets the following guidelines:
- The subject is expressed using an English language term, or English equivalent of a foreign language word, whenever possible and appropriate. For some categories, it is appropriate to use non-English language words, such as scientific sites where the subject may be most commonly identified by a Latin word.
- Words to describe the topic appear in a subject-specific dictionary or widely used thesaurus or are typically used by the news and media covering the subject area. The name should use the word(s) by which the topic is most commonly known by people under the age of 18.
- Does not use acronyms or abbreviations unless they are commonly understood by people under the age of 18.
- Does not repeat the name of the parent category.
Collection of video game sites under Games
Don't use: Video Games
Use: Video - Are not called "General," "Miscellaneous," "Other Topics," or any other variation that implies a collection of general or unrelated links. Links in these general, or catch-all categories should be placed at the top of the most appropriate topical category or moved to an appropriate topical subcategory.
- Do not use abbreviations or symbols (such as &, +, `n, or etc.) to represent words.
Don't Use: Periodicals, magazines, etc.
Use: MagazinesDon't Use: Resources `n Directories
Use: DirectoriesDon't Use: Drawing & Coloring
Use: Drawing and Coloring - Do not use terms for subcategory names that would incorrectly suggest a category contains links to illegal content (e.g., Warez or Bootlegs).