
Curlie Kids and Teens prides itself on being an objective directory that is fair to submitters and useful to users. It is of utmost importance to the reputation of the directory that each site be reviewed objectively. The project is founded based on the philanthropy of our editors, and the solicitation or bribing of editors will not be tolerated.

Our Meta editors do not discriminate based on any affiliations a prospective editor may have. It is also acceptable for editors with affiliations in the category they edit to add their web sites to the directory. It is not acceptable, however, for editors to list only those sites with which they are affiliated or to unfairly promote those sites. Similarly, the deletion of competitors' sites from the directory will not be tolerated and will result in the termination of editing privileges.

Removal of Editors

In addition to the instances noted above, we may remove editors or revoke their editing privileges (in full or in part) at our sole discretion, for any reason. Such reasons may include, but are not limited to, the following:

KMeta editors may revoke an editor's privilege to edit one or more categories or otherwise limit an editor's editorial privileges at their discretion. Curlie Admins have the discretion to change an editor's privileges and to remove an editor from Curlie entirely. Editors may submit feedback about any such decisions to the Curlie Admins.

Please note: Inactive accounts expire after four months from the last edit (publish). Editors should fill out the reinstatement form in the case of an expired account. Former editors must apply for reinstatement rather than apply for a new account.

Affiliation Disclosure

Affiliations are generally any web site in which you have a direct personal or professional association. You should disclose the following types of affiliations:

You will be asked to declare your affiliations when you apply to join Curlie as an editor and again when you apply for further permissions in other categories. Please be as accurate as possible when answering these questions. If you are in doubt about whether to declare an affiliation, please use editor feedback to contact a senior editor who will be able to advise you further.

Intentionally concealing affiliations for the purposes of conducting deceptive, unfair and abusive editing will result in removal of editing privileges.