
Search: FAQ

Why isn't my site coming up when I search on Curlie?
If your site was recently added to the directory, it will may take several days for it be included in the search index for Curlie.
When can I find my site on Bing, Google, Yandex, and other search engines using Curlie data?
The data files available for downloading (known as the RDF) are updated once a week. Data users update their version of the Directory according to their own schedules. Once your site is listed in Curlie, it may take several weeks or more for your site to appear on any of the search engines that use Curlie data.
Why isn't my site coming up on top when I type in my site's keywords?
You shouldn't rely on your directory listing to improve keyword searching for your site on downstream search engines. Helpful resources are available by searching for the subject.
How do I get a better search ranking?
Site ranking is based on search technology, and is not necessarily influenced by classifying sites in a Web directory. The Curlie editors do not list sites to ensure your site is ranked on search engines using Curlie data. It is contrary to Curlie policy to pad site descriptions with keywords, and to manipulate competitor's site descriptions to improve a site's ranking on a third party's search engine. If you would like to improve your search engine ranking, you should contact a Search Engine Optimization professional. Many of their sites are listed under Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Promotion: Search Engine Optimization Firms.
I searched for my site on Curlie, but it isn't listed any more, what do I do?

Sites are not deleted arbitrarily. The most common reasons a site listing is removed from the directory include, but not limited to, the following:

  • URL is a dead link, and a new or alternate URL can not be found.
  • The content of the site has been significantly enhanced, so it is in the process of being reclassified into another category.
  • The site has been significantly striped of content, and may be under review and reconsideration for listing.
  • The site is being reclassified as a result of a category reorganization, or because the site is better placed in another section of the directory.
  • The site no longer complies with our site listing guidelines.  While the Curlie Directory is more inclusive than other Web directories, and attempts to be comprehensive in scope, there are sites we generally do not list:
    • Mirror sites.
    • Redirecting URLs.
    • Sites containing primarily affiliate links.
    • Affiliate/reseller/franchise sites with no unique content of their own.
    • Illegal sites.
    • Sites devoted to the sales and distribution of a single product. We avoid these, particularly if they are affiliate sites or if the site is merely a distributor for a manufacturer already listed in the directory. The purpose of the directory is not to replicate the individual listings of an online shopping catalog.
    • URL consists of a search result set from another search engine or directory.

Note: We care a great deal about the quality of the directory. We aren't a search engine and pride ourselves on being highly selective. We don't accept all sites, so please don't take it personally should we choose not to list your site. A site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time at the discretion of Curlie's editors and admins.

If your site was deleted, you may send a polite inquiry to the editor of the category where your site was listed. If there is no editor for the category, you may try to contact an editor higher in the directory tree. Alternatively, you may try to re-suggest your site for reconsideration. Again, please realize that all site listing decisions are made at the discretion of the editorial community, and that no site is guaranteed a directory listing.